Boston Rambles

Boston Rambles

A Rambler Walks and Talks About the Hub of the Universe

Posts filed under West Roxbury

Roslindale, Massachusetts

Steeple Chase. Walking The Post Road Entry #10 (WTPR #10). “In answer to the petition it was clearly voted…that the petitioners together with all such as dwell on the south side of the afores’d line who are willing to joyne with them, and do embody so as to maintain an able learned Orthodox minister amongst… (read more)

Milestones (WTPR#6)

‘Feria secunda, July 14, 1707. Mr. Antram and I, having Benjamin and David to wait on us, measured with his wheel from the Town-House Two Miles, and drove down stakes at each mile’s end, in order to place Stone-posts in convenient time. From the Town house to the Oak and Walnut, is a mile wanting… (read more)